字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>刺的英文翻譯 “刺”的日文翻譯



puncture; stab; poke; stick; sting; thorn; thrust
【醫】 barb; echino-; lancinate; spicula; spicule; spiculum; spina; spine
spur; stab


刺 cì 用有尖的東西插入:刺繡。刺傷。刺殺。 暗殺:刺客。被刺。行刺。 偵探...


  1. 使固定;
    To fix fast; impale.
  2. 劍、匕首或刀的鞘。
    a sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet
  3. 8為這事,我三次求過主,叫這離開我。
    For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
  4. “板磚”或“刀”的PK之道
    The PK Theory about "Brick" or"Bayonet"
  5. 防守隊連續殺兩個攻擊隊球員出局。
    the act of getting two players out on one play.
  6. 消毒劑的痛使他連忙縮手。
    The burn of the antiseptic made him wince.
  7. 玫群落特徵及種群分布格局的研究
    Preliminary Study on Community Characteristics of Rosa Xanthina
  8. 寒風透了我的單薄的衣著。
    The cold wind cuts through my thin clothes.
