字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>磁的的英文翻譯


拼音:cí de


【醫】 magnetic


  1. 這本書是有關於地磁的
    This book is about the earth’s magnetism.
  2. 磁的不受磁場作用干擾的;防磁的
    Impervious to the effect of a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization.
  3. 電磁學研究電和磁的物理學
    The physics of electricity and magnetism.
  4. 用於測量電和磁的各種單位制。
    any of various systems of units for measuring electricity and magnetism.
  5. 狹義相對論適用於電磁的相互作用。
    SR is valid in EM interaction.
  6. 磁的與受磁體排斥的物質有關的
    Of or relating to a substance that is repelled by a magnet
  7. 磁的與受磁體排斥的物質有關的
    Of or relating to a substance that is repelled by a magnet.
  8. 磁的不受磁場作用干擾的;防磁的
    Impervious to the effect of a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization
