字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>刺入的英文翻譯


拼音:cì rù


penetrate; pierce; stab; stick


  1. 一根針刺入我的手。
    A pin stuck me in the hand.
  2. 由於尖刺刺入皮膚而導致的疼痛傷口。
    a painful wound caused by the thrust of a stinger into skin
  3. 一根針刺入我的手。
    A pin stuck me in the hand
  4. 穿透,穿過刺入或進入某物;進入或穿過某物
    To pierce or enter into something; make a way in or through something.
  5. 把(武器)插入或刺入肉體
    To plunge or thrust(a weapon) into flesh
  6. 刺入皮下使他畏縮起來。
    The insertion of the needle under the skin make him wince.
  7. 三角形的尖頭刺入汀罐頂部。
    triangular pointed end pierces tops of cans.
  8. 刺洞用鋒利尖銳的工具刺入或打(洞)
    To pierce or make(a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument
