字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>從軍的英文翻譯 “從軍”的日文翻譯


拼音:cóng jūn


enlist; join the army; soldier
【法】 bear arms; enlist in the army


舊時指參加軍隊棄商從軍 >>查看“從軍”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 比爾因懶惰懈怠而從軍隊里被趕了出來。
    Bill was kicked out of the military for being a slacker.
  2. 老師說我必須振奮起來否則去從軍
    The teacher said I should shape up or go joining the army.
  3. 從軍用飛機上排出
    To eject from a military aircraft
  4. 從軍的經歷對他很有用。
    The experience in army is helpful to him
  5. 將軍的隨從軍
    an officer attendant on the general
  6. 兩兄弟從軍去了。
    The two brothers went to the war.
  7. 復員從軍隊服務或使用中被解職
    To discharge from military service or use.
  8. 從軍用飛機上排出
    To eject from a military aircraft.
