字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>叢樹的英文翻譯


拼音:cóng shù


【計】 bused tree


  1. 叢生植物、叢樹密集的樹叢或灌木叢
    A dense clump, especially of trees or bushes.
  2. 樹叢,灌木叢樹木或灌木的密集的一叢
    A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes
  3. 你看見那邊的一叢樹林了嗎?
    Do you see yonder clump of trees (ie that clump of trees over there)?
  4. 矮樹叢樹林中長在樹下的矮小植物,幼苗和灌木
    Low-growing plants, saplings, and shrubs beneath trees in a forest
  5. 叢生植物、叢樹密集的樹叢或灌木叢
    A dense clump, especially of trees or bushes
  6. 灌木叢一叢樹或灌木;灌木叢
    A mass of trees or shrubs; a thicket.
  7. 樹叢,灌木叢樹木或灌木的密集的一叢
    A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes.
  8. 灌木叢一叢樹或灌木;灌木叢
    A mass of trees or shrubs; a thicket
