字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>催眠狀態的英文翻譯


拼音:cuī mián zhuàng tài


hypnosis; hypnotism; mesmerism; mesmerization
【醫】 hypnosis; hypnotic state; hypnotism; psycheism; somnipathy; somnolism
somnopathy; status hypnoticus


  1. 促使人進入催眠狀態的人。
    a person who induces hypnosis
  2. 催眠引導或進入睡眠或催眠狀態的過程
    The process of inducing or entering sleep or a hypnotic state.
  3. 催眠狀態甦醒
    To arouse from a hypnotic state.
  4. 自我催眠使自我進入催眠狀態的行為或過程
    The act or process of hypnotizing oneself.
  5. 他在催眠狀態下能說出他所有的活動。
    When hypnotized, he could give a complete account of his activities.
  6. 他在催眠狀態下能說出他所有的活動。
    When hypnotized, he could give a complete account of his activities
  7. 催眠狀態樣的,似睡的
    Of or resembling hypnosis or sleep.
  8. 我決定先讓他進入催眠狀態,然後再問他一次。
    I decided to put him under hypnosis and ask him again.
