字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大筆的錢的英文翻譯


拼音:dà bǐ de qián


【經】 important money


  1. 斯坦頓先生寫了好幾本有關證券交易的書,一定掙了大筆的錢
    Mr Stanton wrote several books on stock exchange and must have made a bomb
  2. 她的美容院總是客滿,因此她一定掙了大筆的錢
    Her beauty-salon was always full and she mush have made a bomb thereby
  3. 他將大筆的錢拿去做股票投機。
    He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks.
  4. 建造這座橋花費了大筆的錢款。
    Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.
  5. 她會花大筆的錢買鞋。
    She spends a good deal of money on shoes.
  6. 他們過去每年都向紅十字會捐獻大筆的錢
    They used to donate large sum of money to the Red Cross every year.
