字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>帶的英文翻譯 “帶”的日文翻譯



belt; bring; strap; strip; take; wear
【計】 tape
【化】 band
【醫】 balteum; band; belt; chord; chorda; chordae; chordo-; cingule; cingulum
cord; desmo-; girdle; ribbon; strap; strip; taenia; taenia-; taeniae
tape; teni-; tenia; zona; zone
【經】 belt


帶 (帶) dài 用皮、布或線等做成的長條物:帶子。皮帶。領帶。一衣帶水。 ...


1.lace  2.etage  3.zoster  4.string  5.strap  6.balteum  7.strip  8.tenia  9.taenia  10.tape(-record)  11.cincture  12.fascia  13.stringcourse  14.cingulum  15.worn  16.drawstring  


  1. 隊長領我們隊取得了勝利。
    The captain led our team to victory.
  2. 不系保險開車就太傻了。
    It's silly to drive without fastening one's seat belt.
  3. 兩塊田之間有一條樹木
    A belt of trees grew between the two fields.
  4. 他用皮把那個孩子著實打了一頓。
    He gave the boy a real belting.
  5. 他把褲扣得緊緊的。
    He buckled up his belt tightly.
  6. 我想走你昨天給我看的那本書。
    I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday.
  7. 嚮導領我們到河邊。
    The guide led us to the river.
  8. 他的行為給他的家庭來了恥辱。
    His behaviors have brought dishonor onto his family.
