字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大口的英文翻譯


拼音:dà kǒu


【醫】 large mouth


(1) ∶大嘴(2) ∶大話(3) ∶戶口中的成年人 >>查看“大口”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 比賽結束後,隊員們走過來大口喝水。
    After the match, the players came over to walk into the water.
  2. 手槍短管,大口經的左輪手槍或手槍
    A short-barreled, large-caliber revolver or pistol
  3. 大口酒杯帶有廣口的大飲用杯
    A large drinking cup with a wide mouth
  4. 深吸對煙或飲料大口的吸或喝
    A deep inhalation or draft, as on a cigarette or of a beverage
  5. 狼吞虎咽貪婪地大口大口地吞吃
    To devour in large, greedy gulps.
  6. 他的大衣上裂了一條大口子。
    There is a long split in his coat
  7. 大口地吞著食物,似乎他有一個月沒吃飯了。
    He shoveled the food in as if he had been hungry for a month
  8. 岩土鑽探工程大口徑鑽頭設計與套用
    Design and Application of large Diameter Bit in Rock and Soil Drilling
