字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>當兵的英文翻譯 “當兵”的日文翻譯


拼音:dāng bīng


bear arms; follow the drum; go to war; wear the sword


(1) ∶參加軍隊(2) ∶服兵役 >>查看“當兵”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.intheranks  2.putonthesuit  3.wearthekingscoat  4.takethekingsshilling  5.tookthekingsshilling  6.takenthekingsshilling  7.carryarms  8.wearthequeenscoat  9.takethequeensshilling  10.tookthequeensshilling  11.soldiering  12.soldiered  13.takenthequeensshilling  14.servewiththecolours  


  1. 狄克告訴我他在印度當兵。我考了他一下,發現他是撒謊。
    Dick told me he had been a soldier in India. I put him through his paces, and found he was lying.
  2. 他天生不是當兵的料,當兵他是永遠不會快樂的。
    He is not meant for a soldier and will always be unhappy in the army.
  3. 他年齡一到就入伍當兵了。
    He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough.
  4. 他喜歡當兵
    He would admire to be a soldier .
  5. 當兵到過世界各地。
    He has seen service in many different parts of the world.
  6. 當兵時我們是同志。
    We were comrades in the army.
  7. 在他童年時代,羅納爾多曾想當兵,或做低音鼓手。
    During his childhood, Ronaldo wanted to be a soldier or play the bass drum
  8. 去年我想當兵,但那時我已超出法定年齡了。
    I wanted to be a soldier last year, but I was over age then.
