字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>淡藍色的英文翻譯


拼音:dàn lán sè


baby blue


1.paleblue  2.lightblue  3.nattierblue  


  1. 用於漂白衣物或頭髮,或使其帶上淡藍色
    used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge
  2. 淡藍色線看起來很顯眼,是這條褲子的重點之一!!
    Doozy light blue stitch is the key point of T0071 MOD!
  3. 帶有淡藍色的黑色,而且不會令人想起褐色。
    black with a tinge of blue and no hint of brown
  4. 帶有淡藍色的黑色,而且不會令人想起褐色。
    black with a tinge of blue and no hint of brown.
  5. 淡藍色的軟骨帽覆蓋於骨皮質上。
    A bluish-white cartilagenous cap overlies the bony cortex
  6. 用於漂白衣物或頭髮,或使其帶上淡藍色
    used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge.
  7. 一件淡藍色馬甲的袖子只垂到了她的臂彎處。
    The sleees of a pale blue waistcoat came only to her elbows.
  8. 一件淡藍色馬甲的袖子只垂到了她的臂彎處。
    The sleees of a pale blue waistcoat came only to her elbows
