字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>到處的英文翻譯 “到處”的日文翻譯


拼音:dào chù


all over; around; at all places; everywhere; high and low
【經】 around


各處;處處陪客人到處參觀到處找他 >>查看“到處”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我能在什麼地方存一下包嗎?提著它到處走很重。
    Can I leave my bag somewhere? It’s very heavy to lug around.
  2. (我們花了幾個小時清洗到處是油污的廚房。)
    It took us hours to clean the greasy kitchen.
  3. 你在決定買東西之前應該到處看一看。
    You should shop around a bit before making a decision
  4. 他沒有目標的到處走。
    He is aimless to walk around.
  5. 身為業務員,一個月當中有三個星期我都到處奔走兜攬生意。
    As a salesman, I am on the road about three weeks per month.
  6. 到處走走吃飯。
    I walk around trying all the foods.
  7. 斯沃博達先生非常有耐心地把灑得到處都是的湯打掃乾淨,就在一旁耐心地等到她發完脾氣,平靜下來。
    Mr. Svoboda patiently cleaned it up and waited until her tantrum was over.
  8. 我想到處走走,看看我們偉大祖國。
    I want to go around seeing our great motherland.
