字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>倒鉤的英文翻譯


拼音:dǎo gōu


【醫】 barb


  1. 倒鉤如箭頭或魚叉等尖倒鉤或有倒鉤的頂端
    A barb or barbed head, as on an arrow or a harpoon.
  2. 魚鉤,釣鉤一種用於捕魚的金屬倒鉤
    A barbed metal hook used for catching fish
  3. 每一個魚叉狀倒鉤,都依次擁有一排更小,扁平的鳥的小羽枝。
    Each barb, in turn, possesses an array of smaller, flat barbules.
  4. 倒鉤是指鉤子鉤在魚嘴裡不容易脫落.有些鉤子是無倒鉤的方便揭開魚兒也不會容易傷到自己.
    The Barb is what makes a hook stick in a fishes mouth (or your finger).
  5. 金屬柵欄通常用裝有倒鉤的金屬線做成的籬笆
    Fencing made of usually barbed wire.
  6. 7你能用倒鉤槍扎滿它的皮,能用魚叉叉滿它的頭嗎。
    Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?
  7. 伯41:7你能用倒鉤槍扎滿他的皮、能用魚叉叉滿他的頭麽。
    Canst thou fill his skin with barbed iron? or his head with fish spears?
  8. 一種沒有倒鉤的箭;比賽用的箭。
    an arrow without a barb; a target arrow
