字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>搭配的的英文翻譯


拼音:dā pèi de




  1. 形容詞和名詞搭配的選擇條件研究
    A Study of Selective Conditions of Adjective-noun Collocations
  2. 與其衣著搭配的是,她常戴一頂黑色小帽,帽邊上有一朵青金色的小花。
    With it she wore a small black hat with a green-gold flow-er at the side.
  3. 網頁文字色彩搭配的眼動研究
    An Eye Movement Study of Word Color on Line
  4. 我認為這兩種顏色會搭配的很好,而那些文字看上去很不錯。
    I think those colours will work well together and the lettering looks good.
  5. 你有一雙可以跟這件衣服搭配的鞋子嗎?
    Do you have a pair of shoes to go with this dress?
  6. 性的類別這樣搭配的一種類別
    One category of such a set.
  7. 我在找能和指甲油搭配的口紅。
    I am looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish.
  8. 性的類別這樣搭配的一種類別
    One category of such a set
