字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>電源系統的英文翻譯


拼音:diàn yuán xì tǒng


【計】 power supply system


  1. 並聯型數位化不間斷電源系統研究
    Study on Full Digitized On-Line UPS Based on Parallel Operation
  2. 高壓雙路供電,市電總供電量為32,000kVA。後備發電機,不間斷電源系統
    Dual power supply, backup generator, total power supply of 32,000KVA.
  3. 備用電源系統的蓄電池線上監測儀
    On-line Accumulator Detector in Standby Power Supply System
  4. 單元220V交流不間斷電源系統事故分析
    Accident Analysis on AC UPS for Section 220 V
  5. 多站弧焊電源系統的改進與發展
    Development and improvement on multi-station arc welding system
  6. DSP控制的IPM正弦逆變電源系統硬體電路設計
    Design of the DSP Controlled Sine-Inverter Hardware Circuit Using IPM
