字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>低的的英文翻譯


拼音:dī de


low; low-lying; lower
【醫】 low-grade


  1. 擊數最低者在高爾夫球比賽中以通盤擊數計分的得分低的
    The winner at medal play in a golf tournament
  2. 有一年冬天,天氣不好,我們眼看著河水浸沒了地勢較低的草場。
    One had winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows.
  3. 布朗先生上星期以非常低的價錢買了一輛二手車。
    Mr Brown bought a cream puff at a very low price last week
  4. 發生在相對低的高度。
    occurring at a relatively low altitude
  5. 教師短缺是工資太低的結果。
    Teacher shortages are a consequence of low pay
  6. 對於這地勢很低的海濱地區,颶風將是一場災難
    A hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region
  7. 設定在船上的較低的靠近船尾的桅桿上的帆(通常是後桅)。
    set on the aftermost lower mast (usually the mizzenmast) of a vessel
  8. 這是因為鼻腔里的血管將溫度較低的血液送到了腦部。
    This was because vessels in the nasal cavity sent cool blood to the brain.
