字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>多端的的英文翻譯


拼音:duō duān de


【計】 multiend


  1. 他們祈求老天爺懲罰那些作惡多端的人。
    They called down punishment on the people for their evil ways.
  2. 詭計多端的;狡猾的
    Full of wiles; cunning.
  3. 變化多端的情節;曲折推理
    A tortuous plot; tortuous reasoning
  4. 她是一個詭計多端的女人。
    She is a woman full of craft.
  5. 詭計多端的愛耍花招的;有詭計或花招的特徵的
    Characterized by or tending to use tricks or trickery.
  6. 他是一個詭計多端的傢伙。
    He was a crafty old thing
  7. 詭計多端的行騙術的,會耍花招的
    Given to or characterized by trickery.
  8. 狡詐的詭計多端的,欺騙的或背信棄義的狡猾
    Full of guile; deceitfully or treacherously cunning.
