字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>發的英文翻譯 “發”的日文翻譯



hair; issue; send out; deliver; utter; develop; discover
【醫】 capilli; capillus; crinis; crinis capitis; hair; Mit.; pili; pilo-
pilus; thrix; trich-; tricho-


發 (發) fā 交付,送出:分發。發放。發行(批發)。 放,射:發射。百發百...


  1. 得到出時間的通知
    be instructed when to start
  2. 她匆忙喝了一大口水,然後又出了。
    She had a quick swig of water and then set off again.
  3. 在街上散傳單
    Distributing handbills on the street.
  4. 在VC++中利用Win32API開串列通信程式
    Development of Serial Communication Program with Win32 VC+ + in API
  5. 然而,官方人士稱伊朗可能還繼續在展其核武器。
    However, officials warn Iran may still be able to develop a weapon.
  6. 處在或者生在最遠的內部。
    situated or occurring farthest within.
  7. 羅列出這種情況的長期並症。
    Enumerate the long-term complications of the condition.
  8. 直接採用最新的技術
    To adopt the latest technological invention directly.
