字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>發抖的英文翻譯 “發抖”的日文翻譯


拼音:fā dǒu


shake; tremble; shiver; shudder; dither; grue; palpitate; quake with
【醫】 shudder


因恐懼、生氣、寒冷等原因而身體顫抖冷得發抖 >>查看“發抖”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 一陣突然的痙攣使他全身發抖,摔倒在地上。
    A sudden convulsion shook him, and he fell to the ground
  2. 我站在門前台階上,凍得渾身發抖
    I stand on the doorstep shivering with cold.
  3. 我注意到他的手在發抖
    I noticed his hand shaking.
  4. 想到要告訴她這個壞訊息,我就害怕得發抖
    I quailed with fear at the thought of telling her the bad news.
  5. 人們在寒冷、激動或恐懼的時候,身體會發抖
    People tremble when they are cold , excited or full of fear .
  6. 看到那光景使我恐懼得發抖
    I was quaking with fear at the sight.
  7. 這訊息使聽眾激動得直發抖
    The news sent a shudder through the audience
  8. 他感到激動得發抖
    He felt a quiver of excitement.
