字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>發瘋的的英文翻譯


拼音:fā fēng de


mad; crazy
【法】 mad


  1. 在街上有很多發瘋的、危險的人。
    There were a lot of crazy, dangerous people in the street
  2. 發瘋的可被宣告為精神失常的
    Fit to be declared insane.
  3. 使人發瘋的
    Tending to drive insane.
  4. 整天做這種不用動腦筋的工作,會使我發瘋的
    Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.
  5. 我必須找個人說說心裡話,不然,我會發瘋的
    I must bare my heart to someone , or I shall go mad .
  6. 他認為哈姆雷特是因為愛歐菲莉亞才發瘋的
    He thought that Hamlet had gone mad because of his love for Ophelia .
  7. 要是再看到那種信我會氣得發瘋的
    I shall go round the bend if I see another one of those letters.
  8. 在街上有很多發瘋的、危險的人。
    There were a lot of crazy, dangerous people in the street.
