字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>反動的英文翻譯 “反動”的日文翻譯


拼音:fǎn dòng


counteraction; reaction; retroaction
【機】 reaction


(1) ∶維護舊制度,破壞新制度,反對革命反動立場反動派(2) ∶相反的作用 >>查看“反動”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 這將是一切反動政策的發展規律。
    This is the law of development which governs all reactionary policies.
  2. 穩居者,遁世者被認為是離群索居、反動的,過時的或野蠻的人
    A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish
  3. 一切反動派都以搗亂開始,以失敗告終。
    All reactionaries invariably begin by making trouble and end up in defeat.
  4. 反動當局依靠刺刀來維持它們的統治。
    The reactionary authorities banked on the bayonet to maintain their rule.
  5. 他是徹頭徹尾的反動分子——沒法改變他的看法。
    He is a dyed-in-the-wool reactionary–there is no changing his opinions.
  6. 死硬、傲慢的反動分子
    A pompous, reactionary, ultranationalistic person
  7. 反動派的血腥統治
    sanguinary rule of the reactionaries
  8. 我們對反動派決不施仁政。
    We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries
