字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>反對者的英文翻譯


拼音:fǎn duì zhě


【經】 protecter; protester


  1. 他們藉口愛國來抨擊反對者
    They criticize their opponents under the cover of patriotism.
  2. 政府懸賞要許多反對者的腦袋。
    The government has placed a bounty on the heads of many of its opponents
  3. 反對者的角色不是優柔寡斷的人能當的。
    the role of the dissenter is not for the weak-kneed.
  4. 第一是使反對者不疑而我可以出其不意。
    First to lay asleep opposition, and to surprise.
  5. 阿倫是對所提議的旁路計畫的主要反對者,他是既得利益者,因為那會把他汽車修理廠的大部分生意奪走。
    take most of the trade from his garage
  6. 他們對他們的反對者敷衍賽責。
    They played games on their opponents.
  7. 抵抗抵抗(如,反對者)的努力或前進
    To withstand the efforts or advance of(an opposing team, for example).
  8. 政府懸賞要許多反對者的腦袋。
    The government has placed a bounty on the heads of many of its opponents.
