direction; power; side; square中文解釋:
方 fāng 四個角都是90暗乃謀噝位蛄雒娑際侵苯撬謀噝蔚牧⑻澹骸模ㄒ喑啤...>>查看“方”在國語字典中的解釋
- 石塊朝四面八方亂飛。Stones were flying about in every direction.
- 這陣風來自西北方。The wind is in the northwestern direction.
- 恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.
- 我們走的方向對嗎?Are we going in the right direction?
- 這個屋子的面積是80平方米。The overall measurement of this room is 80 square meters.
- 這個農場的面積約為50或60平方公里。The farm is about 50 or 60 square kilometers in the area.
- 小女孩在紙上畫了一個正方形。The little girl drew a square on the paper.
- 正方形有四條邊,而圓形沒有邊。A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.