字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>發育的的英文翻譯


拼音:fā yù de


【醫】 auxetic; developmental


  1. 缺鋅對大鼠生長發育的影響
    Affection of growth of zinc deficiency growing rats
  2. 不同孕期不同條件超聲輻照對胎鼠生長發育的影響
    Study of Ultrasound wave Effect on Mouse Fetus
  3. 發育的孩子必須睡眠充足.
    A growing child needs plenty of sleep.
  4. 不完全的發育過程;生物體的局部沒有發育的現象。
    imperfect development; nondevelopment of a part.
  5. 銀狐早期胚胎發育的超微結構研究
    Ultrastructure of Early Embryo Development in the Silver Fox
  6. 玉米果穗發育的維管束特性研究
    A Study on the Vascular Characteristics of the Ear Development in Maize
  7. DELLA家族蛋白與植物生長發育的關係
    Progress in Studies on DELLA Protein Family in Plant Growth and Development
  8. 大腦系統發育的原初的部分。
    a phylogenetically primitive part of the brain.
