字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分解的的英文翻譯


拼音:fēn jiě de


【化】 lytic


  1. 基於修正Gram-Schmidt的QR分解的天線選擇算法
    Antenna selection based on modified Gram Schmidt QR decomposition
  2. 基於奇異值分解的自適應旁瓣對消
    Adaptive Sidelobe Canceller Based on Singular Value Decomposition
  3. 把某物像拆分機器零件一樣分解的行為。
    the act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery)
  4. 部分分解的有機物,土壤的有機成分。
    partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of soil.
  5. 濟鋼豎爐生產成本指標分解的實施
    Practice of Production Cost Indexes Decomposition of Shaft Furnace
  6. 基於經驗模態分解的滾動軸承故障診斷方法
    Roller Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on EMD
  7. 肌電信號分解的一種方法(英文)
    A Method for Decomposition of EMG Signals
  8. 鉛對 2212 相熔化分解的影響
    THE EFFECT OF Pb ON THE MELTING OF B 2O 3 Based 2212 Phase
