字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分開的的英文翻譯


拼音:fēn kāi de


apart; divided; parted; separate
【計】 disclocsed
【醫】 dieretic; disjugate


  1. 分開的,分散的分開的或保持分開狀的;分離的
    Being or kept apart; separated.
  2. 隔膜,隔板一個分開的膜和薄分隔板
    A membranous part that divides or separates.
  3. 以階級或類別而分開的人或事物。
    a group of people or things arranged by class or category.
  4. 即使我們分開的是世界, 你也是我所有的世界.
    Even though we are worlds apart, you are all a part of my world.
  5. (植物學)由叢生的生長物中分開的單位形成的。
    (botany) formed of separate units in a cluster
  6. 分離,區分分離或分開的行為或過程
    The act or process of separating or dividing
  7. 即使我們分開的是世界, 你也是我所有的世界
    Even though we are worlds apart, you are all a part of my world
  8. 與上帝分開的狀態
    A state of separation from God.
