字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分泌腺的英文翻譯


拼音:fēn mì xiàn


【醫】 secretory glands


  1. 屬於內分泌腺或他們的分泌物的。
    of or belonging to endocrine glands or their secretions.
  2. 分泌腺的外分泌腺的,關於外分泌腺的或外分泌腺產生的
    Of, relating to, or produced by an exocrine gland.
  3. 屬於、關於外分泌腺或他們的分泌物的。
    of or relating to exocrine glands or their secretions.
  4. 激素內分泌腺的分泌物;激素
    The secretion of an endocrine gland; a hormone.
  5. 內分泌內分泌腺特有的分泌過程
    The process of internal secretion characteristic of endocrine glands.
  6. 多發性內分泌腺瘤Ⅱ_A型的CT檢查(附4例報告)
    CT Examination of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type Ⅱ_A(Report of 4 Cases)
  7. 分泌腺的或由其分泌的激素的內分泌腺的或由其分泌的激素的,與其有關的
    Of or relating to endocrine glands or the hormones secreted by them.
  8. 多發性內分泌腺病Ⅱ_A型的CT檢查(附二例報告)
    CT Scan of Multiple Endocrine Adenopathy Ⅱ_A,Report of 2 Cases
