字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分數的英文翻譯 “分數”的日文翻譯


拼音:fēn shù


fraction; grade; mark; numeric; point
【計】 F; fractional number
【經】 fraction


(1) ∶用一個式子被另一式子除表示出的商(2) ∶評定成績或勝負時所記的分兒的... >>查看“分數”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 出題人會給出一個已填充部分數字的九宮格。
    The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid
  2. 用體積分數80%的敵敵畏500倍液噴施,4種葉菜安全間隔期為4 d.
    It was 4 d with 500-fold 80% DDVP on the four varieties.
  3. 他地理卷的分數把他的名次向前提了幾名。
    His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places.
  4. 使不及格給不及格的分數
    To give a failing grade to.
  5. 他的分數這么低,肯定會被降級的。
    His marks are so poor that he will have to be graded down.
  6. 考後,自己打分數
    I check my answer myself after the exam.
  7. 分數能激勵學生學習嗎?
    Do grades encourage students to learn?
  8. 分數
    a compound [complex] fraction
