字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>副的英文翻譯 “副”的日文翻譯



assistant; auxiliary; deputy; fit; subsidiary
【醫】 para-


副 fù 第二位的,輔助的,區別於“正”、“主”:副職。副手。副官。副使。 附...


  1. 他有一深沉的男低音歌喉。
    He has a rich bass voice
  2. 和善的夫子不待我問,就對我說:“看那個正在走來的偉大的靈魂,他仿佛一點不因痛苦而流淚:他還保持著一怎樣堂皇的外貌啊!
    not shed a single tear of pain: what majesty he still maintains down there
  3. 歌歌曲中的歌或疊句
    The chorus or refrain of a composition.
  4. 耳機
    A pair of headphones.
  5. 定約叫牌尤指,在某些撲克牌遊戲中一牌的最後的叫牌
    A bid, especially the final bid of a hand in certain card games
  6. 近代漢語詞“逐旋”的演變
    A Study of the Development of the Adverb “ZhuXuan”(逐旋) in Modern-Chinese
  7. 貧窮是貪婪的一個產品。
    Poverty is a by-product of greed.
  8. 官,人事行政參謀幫助指揮官處理行政事務的人事官員
    A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs
