字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>俯瞰的英文翻譯 “俯瞰”的日文翻譯


拼音:fǔ kàn


look down at; overlook; survey
【法】 oversee


(1) ∶從高處往下看俯瞰這座城市的高塔(2) ∶在較高的高度上俯視下方俯瞰著廣... >>查看“俯瞰”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你從山頂可以俯瞰桂林城。
    You can have a bird view of Guilin City from the top ofthe mountain.
  2. 房子坐落在一座可以俯瞰大海的小山上。
    The house stood on a hill commanding the sea
  3. 我們從直升飛機上俯瞰到城鎮全景。
    From the helicopter we obtained a bird’s-eye view of the town.
  4. 索爾茲伯里懸崖俯瞰愛丁堡的市區。
    Salisbury Crags rise above the city of Edinburgh.
  5. 廟宇坐落在小山上,俯瞰著下面的村莊。
    The temple stands on a hill, looking down on the village.
  6. 我們從直升飛機上俯瞰到城鎮全景。
    From the helicopter we obtained a bird’s-eye view of the town
  7. 從峰巔俯瞰,阿爾卑斯山壯麗的景色盡收眼底
    From the summit there is a superb panorama of the Alps
  8. 客人可以在機場的咖啡吧俯瞰港口的全貌。
    Guests can enjoy panoramic views of the harbor from the airport coffee bar.
