字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>服罪的英文翻譯 “服罪”的日文翻譯


拼音:fú zuì


admit one's guilty; plead guilty
【法】 plead guilty


(1).承認罪責。《荀子·君子》:“則雖隱竄逃亡之,由不足以免也,故莫不服罪而... >>查看“服罪”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 服罪,是我的錯。
    I plead guilty. Mea culpa.
  2. 他心裡明白他將不得不服罪
    He knew, deep down, that he would have to admit his guilt.
  3. 法院對不服罪抗辯作了記載。
    The court record a plea of not guilty
  4. “你服罪嗎?”“不服罪,法官。”
    "Do you plead guilty? ""Not guilty, my lord."
  5. 那個男人服罪,請求法庭從寬處理。
    The man pleaded guilty and threw him self on the mercy of the court.
  6. 表示服罪或不服罪
    To plead guilty or not guilty to a charge
  7. 服罪或不服罪
    To plead guilty or not guilty
  8. 法院對不服罪抗辯作了記載。
    The court record a plea of not guilty.
