字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>肝病的英文翻譯


拼音:gān bìng


【醫】 hepatism; hepatopathy


  1. 肝病突發
    a liver attack
  2. 肝病毒的核苷酸變異研究
    A Study on HAV Nucleotide variation
  3. 肝病毒攜帶者通常不會表現出任何症狀。
    Carriers of hepatitis B often show no symptoms
  4. 番鴨“花肝病"的病原研究
    Study on Pathogenicity of Muscovy Duck"Flower Liver"Disease
  5. 肝病毒感染的特異性CTL應答機制研究
    Study on Mechanism of Specific CTL Response to HBV Infection
  6. NADPH氧化酶在酒精性肝病發病機制中的作用
    NADPH oxidase in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver diseases
  7. 肝病毒攜帶者通常不會表現出任何症狀。
    Carriers of hepatitis B often show no symptoms.
  8. HBV-DNA、乙肝病毒前S1抗原和乙肝病毒血清標誌物的檢測結果分析
    Study of relativity between HBV-DNA 、Pre S1 and hepatitis B markers
