字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>乾脆的英文翻譯 “乾脆”的日文翻譯


拼音:gān cuì


just; neck and crop; simply; straightforward; without further ado
without more ado


(1) ∶痛痛快快;乾淨利索小王辦事很乾脆他說話乾脆得很(2) ∶副詞。表示動作... >>查看“乾脆”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.withoutmoreado  2.withoutfurtherado  3.neckandcrop  4.sansphrase  5.dryandbrittle  


  1. 老年人或坐著談話或玩紙牌或乾脆觀看“活動區”的熱鬧場面。
    The old people sit talking or play cards, or simply watch the sound and fury of the "activity area."
  2. 要是你打算買一個新的擴音器,何不乾脆將全套設備換成新的?
    If you are getting a new amplifier, why don't you go to the big figure and replace everything?
  3. 這輛車跑起來一直很糟,而現在它乾脆發動不起來了。
    It's been running badly, and now it will not start at all.
  4. 我總是落空打不到球。乾脆不要球拍算了。
    I am always missing the ball Why do I even bother using a racket
  5. 如果你心裡有明確的意圖, 就乾脆說出來。
    If you have a definite purpose in mind, get to the point promptly.
  6. 這回答乾脆利落。
    It was a crisp answer.
  7. 這回答乾脆利落。
    It was a crisp answer
  8. 管理員乾脆利落地收拾完了那一堆亂七八糟的東西。
    The janitor made quick work of the mess.
