字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>告退的英文翻譯 “告退”的日文翻譯


拼音:gào tuì


ask for leave from a meeting


(1) (2) 在集會中要求提前離去本會的議題已超出預定範圍,本人告退(3) 舊... >>查看“告退”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 不知能否恕我暫時告退
    I wonder if I may be excused for a moment.
  2. 恐怕您得原諒我暫時告退一會兒。
    I am afraid you'll have to excuse me for a minute or two.
  3. 請恕我暫時告退
    May I be excused for a minute?
  4. 埃德:我因病告退
    Ed: I took medical leave.
  5. 不知能否恕我暫時告退
    I wonder if I might be excused for a moment.
  6. 請恕我暫時告退
    May I be excuse for a minute
  7. 請恕我暫時告退
    Would you excuse me for a short while, please
  8. 請允許我們告退
    You will allow us to retire.
