字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>割讓的英文翻譯 “割讓”的日文翻譯


拼音:gē ràng


cede; cession
【法】 cede; cession


反抗侵略戰爭失敗,被迫把一部分領土讓給外國割讓領土 >>查看“割讓”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 占敗國把一部分領土割讓給敵人。
    The defeated nation conceded some of their hand to the enemy.
  2. 清王朝把香港割讓給了英國。
    The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain.
  3. (領土的)割讓割讓或放棄,如由條約規定的割讓給另一國的領土
    A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty
  4. 割讓割讓,尤指通過條約的割讓
    To surrender possession of, especially by treaty.
  5. (亞倫對於割讓他那一把實用的露營小刀感到很難過。)
    Allan was sorry to part with his useful camping knife.
  6. 阿拉斯加割讓問題研究
    TX A Study on the Issue of the Cession of Alaska
  7. (法國於1871年將阿爾薩斯和洛林割讓給德國。)
    France ceded Alsace-Lorrance to Germany in 1871.
  8. 他們把領土割讓給鄰國。
    They ceded territory to a neighboring state
