字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>公開的的英文翻譯


拼音:gōng kāi de


【法】 overt


  1. 這是公開的秘密。
    It is an open secret.
  2. 今天是把事情公開的日子,尤其是錢的問題。
    This is a day to get things out into the open, particularly money matters.
  3. 爭論,辯論在持相反觀點兩方之間進行的(尤指公開的)爭論或辯論
    A dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views
  4. 公開的和明顯的;非秘密的或不被掩藏的。
    open and observable; not secret or hidden.
  5. 公諸於眾;公開張揚暴露於公開的注意之下
    Exposure to public attention.
  6. 今天是把事情公開的日子,尤其是錢的問題。
    This is a day to get things out into the open, particularly money matters
  7. 虐囚在那裡不僅是完全公開的,而且隨處可見,每一天每一刻都有囚犯遭到毒打。
    Torture is open and rampant, and beatings occur every hour of every day.
  8. 委員會召開了一次特別會討論一些不公開的事情。
    The committee hold a special meeting to discuss some private business
