字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>規定的的英文翻譯


拼音:guī dìng de


formulary; prescript; prescriptive; regulation; stated
【計】 specified
【醫】 approved
【經】 stated


1.formulary  2.ordinant  3.prescript  4.regulation  5.prescribed  


  1. 長度比規定的還差一寸。
    It wants one inch of the regulation length.
  2. 在軟體產品評價技術中,產品或服務滿足規定需求或隱含需求的特徵和特性的總和。註:在有契約的環境中,需求是在契約中規定的;而在其它環境中,則應對隱含需求進行驗證和定義。
    In software product evaluation, the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Note: In a contractual environment, needs are specified, whereas in other environments, implied needs should be identified and defined.
  3. 皇后區民主黨[市議員]瓦隆在記者會上說, "市長的稅收提案一看就覺得糟蹋透,可是州政府?em>娑ǖ腦鏊暗扔詬υ際蟹恐髂岩哉屑艿鬧旅換鰲?
    "The Mayor's tax proposal was bad enough on its face, but the coming state-mandated increase adds up to a one-two punch that would stagger city homeowners, " Mr. Vallone, a Queens Democrat, said in a City Hall news conference.
  4. 將數據恢復到先前已知或規定的狀態。
    The restoration of data to a previously known or defined state.
