字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>貴重金屬的英文翻譯


拼音:guì zhòng jīn shǔ


【經】 precious metals


  1. 戴在手指上的貴重金屬做的環形帶子。
    a circular band of a precious metal worn on the finger
  2. 金子是貴重金屬
    Gold is a rare metal
  3. 要求我們學會用貴重金屬敲成漂亮的盤子。
    We are required to learn to hammer out beautiful dishes in precious metals.
  4. 戴在手指上的貴重金屬做的環形帶子。
    a circular band of a precious metal worn on the finger.
  5. 貴重金屬的長方塊
    A rectangular block of a precious metal.
  6. 貴重金屬的長方塊
    A rectangular block of a precious metal
  7. 度量衡方面的準則及貴重金屬的標誌。
    and the marking of precious metals.
  8. "金子仍然是一種貴重金屬,但是常常能在山裡的溪流中找到。"
    Gold is still a valuable metal but is often found in the mountain streams
