字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>古蹟的英文翻譯 “古蹟”的日文翻譯


拼音:gǔ jì


historic site


古代留存下來的文化遺蹟,多指古代留傳下來的建築物名勝古蹟 >>查看“古蹟”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們被好奇心驅使去看古蹟
    They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot.
  2. 我對參觀歷史古蹟有濃厚興趣.
    I have strong interest in visiting historical relics.
  3. 他們決定多花一天時間去遊覽所有的名勝古蹟
    They decide to spend one day more to visit all the places of interests.
  4. 我想導遊會給我們詳細介紹名勝古蹟的。
    I think a guide will tell us all about the sites of interest
  5. 參觀這個城市的名勝古蹟可能要用一個星期。
    A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city.
  6. 名勝古蹟表中每一個都帶有簡短的特點描述
    A list of places of interest, with brief characterizations of each
  7. 他已把全部房地產轉交給全國名勝古蹟託管協會。
    He have make over the whole property to the national trust
