字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>國家大事的英文翻譯


拼音:guó jiā dà shì


the affairs of state


  1. 要辦好國家大事, 需要有先見之明。
    It requires a long head to manage successfully the affairs of state
  2. 我們必須關心國家大事
    We must concern ourselves with state affairs.
  3. 我們應該注意國家大事
    We should not lose the run of national events.
  4. 這位部長處理重要的國家大事
    The minister deals with important affairs of state.
  5. 關心國家大事
    concern oneself with affairs of state
  6. 要辦好國家大事, 需要有先見之明。
    It requires a long head to manage successfully the affairs of state.
