字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>含義的英文翻譯 “含義”的日文翻譯


拼音:hán yì


implication; meaning; signification
【計】 meanings


(1) ∶所包含的意義這個詞用在不同場合有不同的含義(2) ∶暗示,示意;涵義這... >>查看“含義”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. ”對於美國人來說這兩個詞可謂含義非凡。
    To Americans those two words carry great meaning.
  2. 為…提供理性的結構或含義
    To furnish a rational structure or meaning for.
  3. 意願某事物,尤其是法律的真正含義和意思
    The true meaning or intention of something, especially of a law
  4. 含義提供的、意指的或給出的含義;意義
    Meaning presented, intended, or implied; import.
  5. 你曲解了我的話的真實含義
    You wrest my words from their real meaning .
  6. 他們被留下來琢磨這項宣告的含義
    They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement.
  7. 這些詞與句子中的其它詞的含義適合。
    Words accommodate their meanings to other words in the same sentence.
  8. 你應該能從上下文中理解這詞的含義
    You should be able to tell the meaning of this word from its context.
