字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>合併的的英文翻譯


拼音:hé bìng de


amalgamative; incorporate; incorporative
【計】 pooling


  1. 關於檔案合併的討論將會在下面的章節逐條列出。
    A detailed discussion of file merging appears in the next chapter
  2. 負責收購合併的獨立委員會
    an independent panel on takeovers and mergers
  3. 這兩家公司在考慮合併的可能性。
    A consolidation or merger,as of several corporations.
  4. 中西方企業會計準則——企業合併的比較
    Comparisons of the Accounting Rule of Business Combination
  5. 那兩黨有沒有合併的可能?
    Is it possible to combine the two parties?
  6. 合併合併的行為或過程
    The act or process of operating a combine
  7. 這兩家公司在考慮合併的可能性。
    The two companies are considering merger as a possibility
  8. 考慮合併的建議
    an invitation to consider a merger
