字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>合點的英文翻譯


拼音:hé diǎn


【醫】 chalaza


  1. 解剖學中稱動物或植物的器官最接近結合點的部分。
    (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment.
  2. 一種尖角拱;在頂點通常有一個接合點(而不是拱心石)。
    a pointed arch; usually has a joint (instead of a keystone) at the apex.
  3. 基部動物或植物的器官最近結合點的部分
    The part of an animal or plant organ nearest its point of attachment.
  4. 木工用來榫接的一個方孔通過榫接使此方孔成為一個接合點
    a square hole made to receive a tenon and so to form a joint
  5. 一種尖角拱;在頂點通常有一個接合點(而不是拱心石)。
    a pointed arch; usually has a joint (instead of a keystone) at the apex
  6. 合點兩個物體被接合在一起的地方;交接處或接頭
    A place where two things are joined; a junction or joint.
  7. 如果附近沒有極點或者零點,則突破點(匯合點)必定在(兩個開環極點/開環零點)的中間。
    If no other poles zeros are close by, the breakaway point will be halfway.
  8. 連線處;接合點
    A joint; a junction
