字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>橫衝直撞的英文翻譯 “橫衝直撞”的日文翻譯


拼音:héng chōng zhí zhuàng


dash around madly; go on the rampage


亂沖亂闖這伙暴徒橫衝直撞地通過大街亦指向敵陣四處衝殺麾兩翼鐵騎,橫衝直撞,溷殺將... >>查看“橫衝直撞”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 歹徒橫衝直撞闖了進來砸了窗上所有的玻璃。
    The mobster stormed in and broke all the glasses of the window.
  2. 因司機失控,那輛汽車就橫衝直撞地衝下山去。
    The driver lost control and the car careened down the hill.
  3. 一頭雄象在叢林裡橫衝直撞
    A bull elephant was rampaging about in the jungle
  4. 你們這些騎腳踏車的,又橫衝直撞,又危險,廣州的司機啊,都被你們害死!
    You bicycle riders are a danger and a menace to car drivers in Guangzhou
  5. 他發瘋似的橫衝直撞
    He dashed around like a bat out of hell
  6. 你們這些騎腳踏車的,又橫衝直撞,又危險,廣州的司機啊,都被你們害死!
    You bicycle riders are a danger and a menace to car drivers in Guangzhou.
  7. 橫衝直撞的司機
    A reckless driver
