字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>荷葉的英文翻譯 “荷葉”的日文翻譯


拼音:hé yè


lotus leaf
【醫】 folia nelumbinis


  1. 露珠對湖水說道; "你是?em>諍梢斷旅嫻拇舐噸椋沂竊諍梢渡廈嫻慕閒〉穆噸?
    "You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side, " said the dewdrop to the lake.
  2. 荷葉舒眉展目著。
    The lotus leaves are unfolding.
  3. 最後用奎寧水續杯,用薄荷葉進行裝飾,即可飲用。
    Top up with tonic water , add the mint sprigs and serve immediately.
  4. 一位智者告訴我,生活是荷葉上的一滴朝露。
    A wise man told me that life is but a drop of dew on a lotus leaf
  5. 頸部鑲荷葉邊的連衣裙
    a dress with scallops around the neck
  6. 軟包裝荷葉香酥雞的製作技術
    Technology for Soft Packs of Lotus -leaf Aro matic & Crispy Chicken
  7. 飾以荷葉邊用一條或多條花邊縫合
    To trim with a strip or strips of gathered or pleated material
