拼音:hóng shuǐ de英文解釋:
- 在發洪水的時候,大堤可以保護我們。In case of flood, the dam can protect us.
- 洪水的威脅解除了。The threaten of floodwater has been relieved.
- 在發洪水的時候, 大堤可以保護我們。In case of flood, the dam can protect us.
- "由於洪水的威脅,村里人都已撤走了。"The village was evacuated because of the danger of a flood.
- 新水壩是將來抵禦洪水的屏障。The new dam was a bulwark against future floods
- 來自河口鎮以上清水區洪水的SDR大多數大於 0 60 ; 來自多沙細沙區洪水的SDR都大於 0 5 0 ;those from the "fine sediment producing area" had a SDR larger than 0 50;