字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後的的英文翻譯


拼音:hòu de


【計】 suf
【醫】 hind; posterior; posterius; posticus


  1. 趙: 好啊,我們希望在今後的歲月里和你們做買賣。
    Good. We look forward to doing business with you in the years to come.
  2. 中間路線的既不靠前又不靠後的。在元音上,如u在cut裡面
    Neither front nor back. Used of vowels, as the u in cut.
  3. 後的,最遠的離終點、結尾最近的;最後的
    Being at or closest to the end; last.
  4. 做最後決定;對……提出最後的筆致。
    make final; put the last touches on; put into final form.
  5. 機組500MW負荷時汽泵跳閘後的處理
    Treatment of the Generation Unit with 500MW Load Subject to The T-BFP Trip
  6. 所有這些粒子曾在大爆炸之後的瞬間共存。
    All of them coexisted for a few instants after the Big Bang
  7. 能將她當作嚮導而跟隨其後的人又是如此之少!
    How to follow her as a guide!
  8. 在以後的14年間,山姆和我形成了一種十分特殊的親密關係。
    Sam and I developed a very special bond over the next fourteen years
