字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後方的英文翻譯 “後方”的日文翻譯


拼音:hòu fāng


a rear area; backside; rear; rearward


(1) (2) 戰時,前線和敵占區以外的全部國土。有時也指軍隊的後方地域和所設的... >>查看“後方”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. XK果這種植物味香的多籽果實,煮過之後方可食用
    The aromatic, many-seeded fruit of this plant, edible only when cooked.
  2. 舞台後方的後部的,和舞台後部有關的
    Of or relating to the rear part of a stage.
  3. 後方軍事行動中常指遠離前線的地方
    The part of a military deployment usually farthest from the fighting front.
  4. 脖冠。位於頭蓋骨後方脖子隆起的部位。
    Crest——the nape of the neck.
  5. 所有價格當然要經我方確認後方始有效。
    The prcies are subject to our confirmation, naturally.
  6. 於是他悄悄繞到他們後方,提高了飛行高度。
    So he stole to their rear and flew at a higher altitude.
  7. 後方案被截止了
    Finally brought the project to closure.
  8. 游擊隊從後方襲擊敵人,打得敵人潰敗而逃。
    The guerrillas fell on the enemy from the rear and routed them.
