字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後馬的英文翻譯


拼音:hòu mǎ


wheeler; wheelhorse


  1. 做完手術後馬上將病人送到一間病房裡觀察病情,這間房子就是觀察室。
    a hospital room for the care of patients immediately after surgery.
  2. 這句話是說:「我的工作經常需要在得到通知後馬上出門去。
    I have a job that involves a lot of travel on short notice.
  3. 這句話是說:「我的工作經常需要在得到通知後馬上出門去。
    I have a job that involves a lot of travel on short notice
  4. 我看到你聽到那話後馬上身子發抖,臉色也變了。
    I have seen you tremble and lose countenance at a word.
  5. 我待顯影後馬上就來看片。
    And I want to see them as soon as they are done.
  6. 他看了信後馬上將它燒了。
    He read the letter and burned it straightway.
  7. 我看到你聽到那話後馬上身子發抖,臉色也變了。
    I have seen you tremble and lose countenance at a word
  8. 後馬來亞華文教育的恢復與重建
    The restoration and reconstruction of Chinese shools in Malaysia after WWⅡ
