字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後腦的英文翻譯 “後腦”的日文翻譯


拼音:hòu nǎo


afterbrain; hindbrain
【醫】 afterbrain; epencephal; epencephalon; metapsyche; metencephal


(1).腦的一部分,位於腦顱的後部,由腦橋、延髓和小腦構成。(2).指頭的後部。... >>查看“後腦”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 腦缺血後腦微血管ATP酶活性變化
    ATPase activity changes of brain microvessels after cerebral ischemia
  2. 他猛擊她的後腦勺。
    He inflicted a heavy blow on the back of her head.
  3. 創傷後腦內血腫、局部水腫的CT和臨床表現的動態研究(英文)
    Dynamic changes of CT appearance and clinical signs in focal brian trauma
  4. 兔MCAO後腦組織NOS活性的變化
    Alteration of brian NOS activity after focal cerebral ischemia in rabbits
  5. 他猛擊她的後腦勺。
    He inflicted a heavy blow on the back of her head
  6. 頸交感神經阻斷後腦癱大鼠上肢肌電圖的研究
    A Study on EMG of Central Spastic Palsy Rats after Cervical Sympathectomy
  7. 瀰漫性軸索損傷後腦組織中c-fos與HSP70的表達
    The expression of c-fos and HSP70 in rat rain after DAI
  8. 神經病理性痛後腦環氧合酶表達的變化研究
    Change of COX-1/2 expression in brain after SNI induced neuropathic pain
